Plant pathogen interaction study on rice published in Nature Scientific Reports

06 February in RNA Sequencing

Alterations in rice chloroplast integrity, photosynthesis and metabolome associated with pathogenesis of Rhizoctonia solani Sheath blight disease is caused by a necrotrophic fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and it continues to be a challenge for sustainable rice cultivation. In this study, we adopted a multi-pronged approach to understand the intricacies...

De novo sequencing and characterization of defense transcriptome responsive to Pythium aphanidermatum infection in Curcuma longa L.

29 March in RNA Sequencing, Uncategorized

  Defence transcriptomes responsive to Pythium aphanidermatum were analyzed in Curcuma longa. 2978 transcripts were differentially expressed in response to P. aphanidermatum infection. DEGs encoding NBS-LRRs, receptor kinases and WRKYs were highly enriched during pathogen attack. ET and JA signaling constitute a synergistic defence response...