DNA Sample Information Form

  • Please complete this form with detailed and accurate information( * ) Fields are required to be filled.
  • Please enclose a hard copy of this form along with your sample shipment and send an electronic copy to your Nucleome representative.
  • Please provide a copy of Gel Electrophoresis picture of Bioanalyzer trace (QC file) if available.
  • Please send sample with 1.5 ml or 2.0 ml EP tubes.

Transport Information

Project Information

Client Information

Nucleome Representative


Transportation Condition

Sample Information

Library Type*

Species Information

Combine Sample Tube Before QC

Client Information

Sample Information* Sample Name * Vol(μl) * Species * Preparation Date* Conc(ng/μl) * Total Amount(ng) * OD 260/280* Remarks* 28S:18S*